Friday, November 25, 2011

What do you think of wedding couples that throw different colours of paint over eachother after their wedding?

would you do this having a chance wearing your wedding clothes? do you think its a good way of trashing the dress %26amp; having some fun with it?What do you think of wedding couples that throw different colours of paint over eachother after their wedding?
not gonna lie that would be awesome. I mean if you wanted to keep your dress then that would be bad but if you didn't care I think it would be really cool... although wedding dresses are expensive or just get another dress to trash..... lol but I would consider it for my wedding.... which won't be happening for at least a few years seeing as i'm not engaged... anyways back on topic.... it would also make really cool pictures! and potentially a cool dress depending on the colors that are used.... wow..... now i have so many ideas about what you could do with it after you trashed it....... lol (i have a very vivid imagination)What do you think of wedding couples that throw different colours of paint over eachother after their wedding?
Sounds like a fun idea. But isn't the groom's tux rented? Won't he have to pay for it or damages to it?

As for the wedding dress, I would probably buy 2 dresses. One I would keep and a cheaper one I got on sale for the paint party.

I paid 600.00 for my wedding dress and 1500.00 for my daughter's. After the wedding's we had them cleaned and sold them to someone that couldn't afford to spend what we did but wanted a beautiful dress. They were happy and so were we.

It's all up to you ! If its what you want go for it. Would love to see the pictures.
This sounds immature and ridiculous to most of us undoubtedly, however the wedding day is THEIR day. What one couple would choos to incorporate in their special day/vows/ceremony could very well make others walk away shaking their heads but as long as there is freedom of choice within our society people will choose to do things that express in some way who they are and what some of their life or culture are about. Perhaps they are artistic and playful in nature? My husband and I combined many of our native and ukrainian cultural traditions within our wedding ceremony.
As a pro wedding photographer and former bride, YES! That's amazing! If you want to save your dress, obviously don't do that. But very many brides these days are ';trashing'; the dress in unique ways and having a photo shoot in the meantime.

Brides usually think of it along the lines of, ';I'm married now, I will be with this man for the rest of my life and I won't need to keep my dress because I'll never need it again anyway.';

i've never even heard of this happening before... have you seen pictures of people doing it?

i have heard of brides and grooms who go into the ocean or ponds with their wedding outfits on for neat and different pictures, but never paint.

i would never do it because my dress will be quite expensive. but i would do something like going into the ocean/body of water with a really cheap mock-dress for some artsy pictures post wedding.
I personally don't think I'd do it. But, to each their own. I think people should do whatever makes them happy. This isn't hurting anyone. It might make for some really cute pics. I maybe wouldn't do this in front of wedding guests. It might send the wrong impression.
The dress and garter at one time was a symbol of the bride's virginity, now considered 'clean slate' of the marriage.

If you want to trash the dress, have it created out of toilet paper.
I've never seen this in all the weddings I've been to, and that's a lot! why destroy the dress? if you really don't want to keep it, put it on ebay and at least get some $$. throwing paint on it is like burning cash.
i wouldn't b/c mine is on the beach and sand would get in the paint. i think it's a cute idea though. it's not like you're ever going to wear the dress again. it's like making a piece of art out of it.
I would think that they had absolutely no reverence for their wedding vows whatsoever.
Why the hell would anyone throw paint???? All that is going to do is ruin your outfits and make a mess everywhere.
I would absolutely object and resist this
It sounds like fun.... but not in the expensive wedding dress and suit!
I think it's stupid and I generally don't think well of the couple.

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