Friday, July 30, 2010

Can Muslim couples swing with other muslim couples?Is it encouraged in Islam for couples to have frequent sex?

some muslim friends told me that swinging with other couples is ok. i just need some clarification on that? because me and my wife do swing with others. but she loves it and we do it regularly and my wife has fun. and do muslim couples have regular sex on a day to day basis?Can Muslim couples swing with other muslim couples?Is it encouraged in Islam for couples to have frequent sex?
this is totally FORBIDDEN in Islam ...and if someone claims that he is a Muslim and doing this he can NEVER be a Muslim ... if a religion like Islam respects a woman's dignity, honor and virtue to the extent that her body should be totally covered except for the face and hands that no one can see or figure the shape of anything underneath ... do you think it can accept this???

considering that swinging thing it's against nature itself .. it's some kind of sexual deviation that needs consulting a shrimp ... no offense for anyone it's just an disorder (disease) that needs cure ...Can Muslim couples swing with other muslim couples?Is it encouraged in Islam for couples to have frequent sex?
So you swap your 4 wives with the other guy's 4 wives? Or just two of them? Or 3?

Edited to add: LOL@consulting a shrimp (see below).
In Islam with other muslim couples it's a sin. But in a marriage the couple can have sex whenever they want.

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