Friday, July 30, 2010

Can Muslim couples swing with other muslim couples?Is it encouraged in Islam for couples to have frequent sex?

some muslim friends told me that swinging with other couples is ok. i just need some clarification on that? because me and my wife do swing with others. but she loves it and we do it regularly and my wife has fun. and do muslim couples have regular sex on a day to day basis?Can Muslim couples swing with other muslim couples?Is it encouraged in Islam for couples to have frequent sex?
uuuuuuhhhhh no!

How are we supposed to know how often over one billion Muslims have sex? Everyone is different.Can Muslim couples swing with other muslim couples?Is it encouraged in Islam for couples to have frequent sex?
well in the quran it says a man must have sex with his wife at least every 4 months

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Do agree with the first answer u received, except with the birth control part which is allowed only in case if pregnancy would be life threatening to the mother, otherwise its not encouraged opr allowed....

for the second answer, funny thing he thinks that ';four people having sex in the same time'; aint weird or kind of disgusting, but thinks that limiting sex between wife and husband is superstitous....

i didnt know that this zoo sex aint harmful, how about th STD ';sexually transmitted diseases'; spreading each day ,innocent children born every moment because a man and a woman wanted to have a hot night, even if they did abortion, then hindreds or millions of souls are killed each and every single moment.....all this following zoo sex...

As a conclusion, only one thing to proud to be a Muslim.
swinging is haram (forbidden) in Islam. what your friend told you is TOTALLY WRONG. actually it is the OPPOSITE. muslims do not exhibit sexual behavior in front of other people. sex is a private matter for you to pursue within the four walls of your home.
If you mean have sex with other couples then no it is not allowed.

Muslims are like all others, some have more frequent sex than others, birth control is allowed in Islam.

Muslims can only have sex with their married partners.
Depends where you live. If you live in North America, where you are free to do anything so long it doesnt cause harm to others, four people can have sex if they want. But not the case where old superstitous ideas rule.
Your muslim friends that told you that are not practising muslims.

Its forbidden to mix with other couples and have sex


you have a wife enjoy together!
Yeah man they are all about the swinging and the love and freedom. That's why they love America so much
No, but you can have ten wives and have an orgy.
U and your wife R free to have sex whenever U want

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