Friday, July 30, 2010

What if couples had to pass a parenting exam before the government would recognize them for tax credits?

What should be on the exam? Would this benefit society? What if couples had to pass a parenting exam before the government would recognize them for tax credits?
The idea is well-intentioned, but not right or practical.

It is not the government's place to determine how parents should discipline their children. Everyone has different ideas about how it should be done - I am not comfortable with the government calling the shots.

We already have social services and the police to deal with crime and abuse.

Also, what you called ';generally abusing'; children is a matter of opinion. I firmly scolded my son in public while holding on to his arm and was told by a stranger that I was being abusive! RIDICULOUS.

I don't want my rights taken away and have the government define my parenting style. Besides, a government that has made the murder of babies in the womb legal doesn't really have any credibility to me when it comes to lecturing me about child welfare!

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