I don't because i believe children need both a father and a mother in their life to grow up to be healthy. I think there are so many problems due today b/c of the single parent families and gay couples would just increase that.Do you believe gay couples should be able to adopt children?
for starters children do NOT need a mother and a father to be healthy... i was a single parent for a while with my 3 children and they are perfectly fine... yes i am now married but my husband is not here all the time he works away for 4 weeks then home for 4 weeks so technically although he is on the end of the phone if i need him i am still a single parent for 6 months of the year... gay people will not add to problems, as long as they love the child they are adopting there shouldnt be a problem with it, it isnt going to make the child become gay or anything else for that matter if the chil is brought up properly with good values who cares whether it is 2 men 2 women or a man and a woman or even a single man or a sngle woman bringing the child or children up.. its peole with opinions like you have that cause problems... maybe you should think about what you are saying before you post it on places like this... Do you believe gay couples should be able to adopt children?
Think about it this way:
The adoption system is overflowing these days. Those children can be raised in perfectly good homes.
Just because the parents are gay/lesbian, doesn't mean the child will be.
Gay/lesbian homes usually raise good, well mannered children who are more accepting. (Being raised in a controversial situation as it is.)
I think your view is a little far fetched. I think sexuality of the parent/s has nothing to do with the sexuality of the child and makes them more well-rounded.
Yes it's good for children to have both parents.
But so many children live with only one of their parents that this is not a reason to say that gays can't be good parents. If it was the case parents should never divorce or a mother couldn't look alone after her child
For me they should be allowed to adopt children. The only important reason to adopt is the need to give ones love to a child.
As long as the child is happy what else do you want for him?
of course not, 'gay' is contagious and we wouldn't want the children to catch that!!!! and we should round up every child that has only a mother or only a father and send 'em all to a big orphanage and let them rot there! then , let's line up all the single parents (cause you know their life if just too easy and a complete waste and it is always their own fault they are single parents) , and shoot ,let's throw the 'gays' in there as well...and just shoot them.
That will solve all of the world's problems. Hear, hear.
edit..oh , just in case anybody is obtuse enough not to get this (no offense intended..I seriously doubt anybody won't) I am most definitely being facetious!!!
I'm sure in some cases it would effect a kid differently, than if they had a mother and a father, but yes I do I think they should be able to.
Look at all the kids with abusive parents these days. I don't think someone's sexuality should be able to hold them back from saving one of these innocent souls.
And besides, some gay couples actually do make better parents than heterosexual couples.
emm I'm not sure...
I'm 100% certain that they can offer love and attention that is needed for a child to grow up but i don't know what stereotypes this child would develop, maybe he/she would be confused....it is not easy to explain to a child such a controversial issue...would the child have the ability to develop his/her own sexuality or he/she would just imitate the pattern ???
Two people can fall in love no matter the gender and this is normal but can a small child understand this ??
Nature says a child needs both a mum and a dad can we go against it ??
So are you saying that gay people aren't capable of rasing a child??
';children need a mother AND a father to be healthy??';
wtf kind of sh*t is that? gay couples should be allowed the same rights as straight couples and how the child grows up depends on how the parents raised them,not whether they're straight or gay.
i know a gay couple that took in the child of a friend after she died, and they are doing a wonderful job.. so yeah, why not? there are so many man-woman-couples out there, and i'm sure that there will be gay couples who screw up as well.. it doesn't matter if your parents are both males, both females or male and female, the main concern should be if they are able to take good care of a child.
Yes I think they should be able to adopt if that means the child is going to be raised in a good home with people who love him. And there is not any problem with being a single parent. My mom raised me and my two siblings by herself and we all turned out to be great people. Please don't stereotype!
Never cared for the idea, no. I'm a firm believer that it should be ';Adam and Eve';, not Adam and Steve'; or ';Neve and Eve';. I think it is confusing to a child, not to mention the bullying he or she will get as a child, growing up and going to school. Kids can be cruel, as we all know, and that could be very scarring. I'm old fashioned in many ways. This happens to be one of them.
You're an idiot. Would you rather these kids NOT be adopted at all? Or grow up in a home full of like 15 other kids? And I've heard plenty of stories of kids who get adopted into a family with a mom and a dad and it's living hell for them and the parents abuse the **** out of them.
i think they should be able to.
what if it wre the other way around? gays got to have children and we didn't? It would suck for us like it does for them.
they don't need a mother and father figure. think of single parents. They're children do just fine.
yeah i think its ok
but i aslo agree w/ u because i know if i was raised by a gay couple itd be kinda akward and weird
and i probly wouldnt like it
but if you were one of the ppl in a gay marrage....woulndt you like to have a kid?
no there kids would feel horrible while everyone is like oh i have a mom and a dad they'll be like wow do you really? i only have two moms or i only ave two dads
it would be sad for the kids=[
it shouldnt be allowed
Take your homophobic questions to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered section and see what the people there have to say on your ''views''.
wow...i grew up barely knowing my father.. i didnt meet him until i turned 19... and im pretty sure im just fine the way i am.. sure i dont completely agree with being gay, i can respect it.. if people want to adopt, what can you really do about it?
If they are good parents, why not? Your idea sounds a little sexist. I'm not gay myself, but if one really cares for a child and does what a parent is supposed to, why not?
And what about fundamentalists who thinks vaccines are bad, talk to a stuffed owls, wear adult diapers on road trips, and let their husbands beat them-
sorry kiddo, I know many, many gay people who would make far better parents than someone like that.
only as a last alternative, hetero couples should be given first shot but a loving gay couple is better than a state ran facility any day.
As long as all of the unconditional love is there, it matters not who or what the couple is/are, in my opinion.
I think they should be able to adopt children because they can provide all things a child needs. Most of them could do a better job then the mother-father families out there.
Of course. Children need love and nurturing, irregardless of the parents gender. Gay couples can provide that just as much as anyone else.
Just because their gay doesn't mean that they can't raise a child. Everyone should have the chance to experience adulthood.
I do.
Say what you want, but there are plenty of screwed up people who come from picture perfect homes.
yes they should be able to do any thing that straight people can do they are still people
I disagree.
Love the gays.
';all things work together for good to those who love God'; (Romans 8:28)
the child's soul will be at risk because of his parents
EDIT: but ok, lets look at it from a nonreligious perspective:
-hitler was raised by a single mother, BUT STILL
- imagine parent-teacher confrences LOL!
- having friends over
- .....the uncomfortness and humiliation he has to go through his entire life
- if their parents are gay, who knows what they will do to their child...(gulp)!
no! its disgusting
a family consist of a MOTHER a FATHER and children
NOT 2 man or women!!!
Not just no but hell no that is not GODS will
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