If a person of the same sex could somehow be the ideal complement to a person, God would have permitted homosexuals to marry and be subject to the same restrictions as heterosexuals are.
Heterosexual marriage and becoming a father added entire dimensions to my life that I never could have experienced any other way. Granted, my marriage is in the toilet, but I honored that covenant, and I matured greatly as a result. This is what comes of obeying God's most important commandments: Growth, maturation, preparation to rule kingdoms in Jesus' name.
True, God might give some commandment as a shibboleth just to give us a reason to learn humility and obedience, but those are few and far between -- and almost always given to an individual, not to the species as a whole.Does God want homosexual couples to stay together for life?
A woman and man
And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him'; (Gen. 2: 18).
God made them Male and Female..( and man is to cleave to his wife
and the Two shall be on Flesh..
';And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?'; (Matt. 19: 4, 5
Be Fruitful and Multiply ( to Man and Woman)
God blessed them and said to them, ';Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.';
God Does not advocate homosexual couples to stay together for
God wants them to leave their sexual perversion, and after being freed and cleansed from this sin, to then enter into a legitimate marriage relationship between one man and one woman.
';In the beginning God created them male and female';
God loves homosexuals, murderers, tax evaders, liars, gossipers, Catholics, Protestants, Arabs, Jews, Muslims...
And Jesus did give his life so that we can have a relationship with God the Father through the work of Christ apart from organized religion.
How do I know? He told me.
Sexual immorality, in what ever form, is unacceptable to God.
So is gossip, lying, cheating and any religion that adds to the good and wonderful news that Christ has set us free to worship God, know and be known by God and have an eternal presence with God our Holy spiritual Father, starting the moment we believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.
God doesn't hate homosexual people, God does not like the homosexual ACT that they perform. A homosexual act between humans is not natural and God is against that that is unnatural.
God condemns homosexuality, both short term homosexuality and long term homosexuality.
God wants sin to end immediately.
God wants Truth to last eternally for each of us.
no He doesnt recognize fornication..
yes they should end and get counseling
Well they sure won't stay together in the Hereafter..
God's cool with it...as long as they don't touch each other or want to.
Read the Bible---Romans:1
God said, ';Man shall not lie with man';
The God and Jesus thing is crap. So you know if you want to be a gay couple to go ahead and do that.
Some believe God sent AIDS as a plague to destroy the homosexuals.
Who the hell knows what the hell any god wants?????????????
';God'; couldn't care less.
Gods aren't real so this question is moot.
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