Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why do some people always try to make bad generalizations on interracial couples?

Like when some people say the only type of white woman who would get with a black man is fat and ugly, and the black man is a no good, jobless sellout. This isn't just for white/black couples either, people make generalizations on Asian/White interracial coupes also, saying that if a white man is with an Asian woman then it's just because he has an Asian fetish.

Why do people come up with these stereotypes?Why do some people always try to make bad generalizations on interracial couples?
Yeah, this annoys me too. Most of the time it's ignorant people who think each race should stick to themselves, and what annoys me most is that you'll get people saying they are for interacial dating, but wouldn't do it themselves!?

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, people will think a black woman who dates a white man acts a certain way and that is just pure ignorance, or some white people will say white women who date black men are dirty, again ignorance.

Moving on, their is also ignorance from some black people who think black people who date interacially, specifically white people, are sellouts or they are doing it to better themselves, these usually come from close minded, insecure people.

Fortunately, I don't see this a lot where I live but you know how it is on here with everyone venting their inner most ignorant frustrations.Why do some people always try to make bad generalizations on interracial couples?
Bitter, ignorant people. People who have been hurt and can't look in the mirror and try to improve themselves. It's easier for them to be bitter and judge people. It's easier for them to say that he or she just wanted a black, white, or Asian person just for the sake of having them. Their own insecurities and shortcomings are always put on the back burner. It's actually really sad.

Its human nature to do this in so many situations and stereotyping is enshrined in laws and legislation at times. When a certain percentage of under 25 drivers are risky and speed too much, all young drivers are bad and pay higher insurance rates; one lunatic shoots 17 women in Montreal so all gun owners are potential psychopaths and need harsher gun laws; a minority of rabble rousers get in street fights after bars colse down so all bars will have restricted drinking hours etc etc.
Im interracial and me and my man have been in downtown Chicago, St. Louis, Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas Texas, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Indianapolis and of coarse where we live in WI and have not once gotten a dirty look from ANYBODY of ANY race.
To ridicule something they do not approve of or understand.

I'm a white woman in an IR marriage and I'm considered beautiful. I'm not overweight either. My husband loves black women; he just happened to fall in love with me.
People prefer people who are like themselves.

'; In Japan, most of those chicks who go to 'foreign men' are usually ugly, or bloody nerdy for some reason. ';

-Sunny Francis (a famous Indian-Japanese TV personality)
Some people [of ALL races] just cannot get past that two people, who don't look similar, might love each other.
You want the real deal? It's because they have seen it too often. There is SOME truth in the stereotypes, but not in each and every case.
America doesn't approve interracial relationships. America is obsessed with race. They want the have and the have nots be a race issue. America is racist.
Its another way of them saying we dont want white women with black men all over again. Yes interracial couples definitely have to endure for there relationship.
people have nothing better to do, and they are trying to justify why they cant get someone and someone of another race, is having more luck than them.
Because they are ignorant.
I can't believe these questions are still being asked in 2009.
They are retarded.
Because they're... um, racists?

Hmmm. Where I'm from it is mostly fat and ugly ww who go out with BM. Down here you see a different range, also the people younger than me, I see Teens are better integrated. I also see white guys who are nerdy and have an asian fetish. Maybe some of these girls have a white fetish? I also see a lot of Asian guys on the internet who talk trash about whites worse than any black people, even to the point of cheering on those crazy asian guys who murdered white people.

There's a lot of stereotyping going on. I will say however, that there seems to be a lot of self-hating white people in IR relationships, especially WW with BM. I saw this where I grew up, it was what many suburban people would call ';the hood'; and the few whites that were around were constantly attacked. Even the teachers and bus drivers etc. Strange thing is that if a white guy went out with a black girl, there would be like 10 black guys trying to attack him---I've seen that with my own eyes before---even though some of these guys are with self-hating white girls.

But who are these self-hating white people? They don't just drop out of the sky. If anything, I would say that it's usually a bad male role model. Either the dad is a liberal sissy, or a deadbeat/scumbag. I hear some people of other races talking about this stuff as well, both about white people and their own race. Maybe people with daddy and mommy issues project their resentment or self-hatred onto their race as a whole. It's pretty sad I guess.

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