Saturday, August 21, 2010

How many pro life people are also against same sex couples adopting?

I personally am pro choice and certainly for same sex couples adopting.

But I want to know how many pro life people here are also against same sex couples adopting children and babies?How many pro life people are also against same sex couples adopting?
Pro-choice and I believe that same sex couples should be able to get married but as for adopting...

I have no doubts that if they want to adopt they would be great parents but when school time comes around...I know what bullying is like and for a child with two daddies or two mummies it will be horrifying. Kids can be crueI so I could never inflict that on a child. It creates lasting damage and cannot be repaired. Adults may be understanding but a child won't be, somebody different is somebody to help you look humiliating them.How many pro life people are also against same sex couples adopting?
I'm going to use this post from a different commenter to begin my assessment. I separated it in to 2 points to make my response easy to follow, and my response is basically why I am not against same sex couples adopting.

1. ';First of all, there are no overflowing orphanages any more. There are wating lists for potential parents who wish to adopt.

2. Second, children need a mommy and a daddy. Same sex couples cannot provide the gender certainty needed for a mentally healthy environment, its a form of child abuse.';

1. Cite your source on the lack of overflowing orphanages. I'm going to refer to China on that one alone and say ';no, that isn't true';. The fact that there is a waiting list to adopt doesn't mean there's a lack of children, it means there's a strenuous and detailed process to be approved. The fact that homosexual couples have to wait so long and try so hard to obtain a child should in and of itself be indicative of their desire. That much effort to obtain something usually comes with a lot of work and effort to provide for the child.

2. Again, cite your source. Show me evidence from a peer reviewed scientific journal. Gender identity is essentially socialized behaviors that we as a society create. These are not genetic things. Women are not programmed to cook and clean and men are not programmed to replace lightbuls and play rugby in the yard after work at the office all day. These are social constructs that we, as a community, create and enforce. If children need a mommy and a daddy then why do so many children of divorce or widowed parents turn out ok? It's because what you're saying is not only untrue, it is based merely out of bigotry and ignorance.
I think as long as they have a steady income and can provide a loving, happy home for these children to live in, why the hell not.

You don't need to be a Christian or straight to have good morals and teach a child right and wrong.

In fact, I think a child raised by a same sex couple will generally turn out much more accepting of other people, and overall become a better person then a child raised by hate-mongering, racist, homophobic fundamentalist Christians.

Though that's just common sense.
First of all, there are no overflowing orphanages any more. There are waiting lists of stable parents who wish to adopt.

Second, children need a mommy and a daddy. Same sex couples cannot provide the gender certainty needed for a mentally healthy environment, its a form of child abuse.
Probably because the two are both connected to religious viewpoints. I'm pro-life... to a point, ie rape/incest/threat to mother or baby are acceptable reasons for an abortion in my opinion. I'm against making abortions illegal, but I'm also against making abortions available to teens without parental consent. So I'm comfortably in the middle.

The problem I have with same-sex couples adopting tend to be that people seem to think that 2 adults = 2 different genders. That a man is not any different than a woman, or a woman any different than a man. It's a false statement to make. Our brains react differently to everything from sex to eating. Our bodies are obviously physically different, from everything from upperbody strength versus leg strength to most pain-management (I don't know a man yet who could take as much pain as a woman.) Parenting styles are different as well. Studies have drawn connections between things like how a child with a strong father connection before 12 months deal with stress in healthier ways than children who don't have that, and even how single parents seem to have more stable children than children in same gender households (grandma and mom for instance.) Simply put, a man cannot replace a woman, and a woman cannot replace a man. For the ideal situation, both are needed.

Another concern is bullying. More recent studies have shown that even in gay-friendly countries, children are bullied and that it affects them personally. If this happens in gay-friendly countries... These are children who have already been through a lot, they don't need this type of added stress. Also, while all marriages and partnerships often break up... homosexual partnerships break up more often, or have someone move in with no legal ties to the family. These things are disruptive to children and can cause problems.

Something else that is disruptive are the number of mental illnesses, health issues/concerns, and mental problems that seem connected to homosexuality. Again, even in studies from gay-friendly countries, homosexuals are more likely to have depression, more likely to contract a disease, more likely to have problems that make them less than stable for a child. The child's welfare should come above the adults. Most adoption agencies won't adopt to an overweight individual for instance, both because of health problems connected to it and because of depression that overweight individuals go through.

And then there is the evidence that children from a same-sex parented family are more likely to try out a homosexual lifestyle for a time, experiment with it. And that the younger someone starts in a homosexual lifestyle the more danger they are in to contract diseases and take part in risky behavior (note, this is the same for heterosexuals, the earlier you start the more risks you seem to take, and the more dangers there are, but homosexual behavior does seem to have more dangers.) This openness is seen as a benefit by some groups, but I see it as a negative. It also seems to indicate that there is a certain amount of learned behavior there as well.

As for 'why do we have so many kids unadopted then?' the answer is that the parents don't want to give up custody, so the children are shunted off into foster care indefinitely. By the time most parents are forced to give up custody, the child is older and has mental problems from the instability of the foster system. We really need to fix this, but it's sort of a problem as to how. You can't leave a child in a foster home for too long, they all get attached. You can't take custody away from parents immediately, even though that's best for the child, because what if they're found innocent? Most people do not want to adopt a child who has mental illness or a problem with bonding and issues, and those who do should be of the most stable background in order to help these kids the most.

Now... having said all that, if a homosexual couple is really stable (as in have been exclusively together for the last 10 years), then I believe that's a better situation for a child than a foster home. But I believe a heterosexual couple is better than a single-parent as far as adoption goes, and that both are better than a homosexual couple. But all are better than foster, if the right precautions are taken.

Since there is such a lineup to adopt babies and young children though, it would basically limit gay couples to older children, pre-teens and teens. Which could be a good thing. They could be ASKED whether they want to be in that family structure.
Against, why should babies/children be denied the normal family unit of a Father and a Mother,how would you have coped mentally if you had been reared by two homosexual men or women instead of your proper parents?

Although a definitive study of this issue has not been done yet some physiologists have reported dysfunctional behaviour when some of these children reach young adulthood.
*preparing for the thumbs down* ..ok so im definintely pro life since i know life begins at conception and could never kill a child..and 2- it has been proven that children in same sex families have harder time growing up and concentration levels and test scores are much lower. can you imagine the hll kids will go through growin up? kids can be cruel. i know it. and i wouldnt want to make it any harder on my child than already its going to be. just my opinion..i do have a lesbian friend who i know would be a fantastic mom but shes of the same mind as me, she wouldnt want her kid to be made fun of...if you dont think kids are cruel go sit around a middle school and listen to the way they talk to each otherl..
Personally I'd rather see same-sex couples adopt than children being aborted.

no fixed address.... if there is a waiting list of parents waiting to adopt, why do we have so many wards of the state NOT adopted??
2184 to be exact...
I admit, I am a pro life who is also against same sex couples adopting children and babies.

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