Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do you believe that most infertile couples are adopting babies for the babies sake?

I am talking about newborn, and baby adoptions. Not foster care situations.Do you believe that most infertile couples are adopting babies for the babies sake?
I believe most parents who want to parent want to do the best they can to be good parents. Not sure it has much to do with the process of actually adopting...considering that once a baby is adopted there is way more to think about other then How it Happens that someone finds themselves parenting...

For the most part, I don't know too many people who choose to be parents who do so with any intention other then for the sake of their child...Do you believe that most infertile couples are adopting babies for the babies sake?
They are adopting for their sake and the baby's sake.

They desire a baby and the baby needs a family.

It is impossible to remove the parents needs and wants when it comes to adopting. If the APs don't want a child they won't adopt. As an AP you should be able to choose the sex, age, disability, etc. if you want to, they shouldn't have to accept whatever child a social worker chooses for them.

Babies are and will always be given up for adoption whether you approve of infant adoptions or not, this will not change.

If a baby is relinquished for its sake it needs a family. Whether the parents are infertile or fertile doesn't matter, it only matters that they are willing to take the baby into their family.
i think some of them convince themselves they are. And i think the majority really are adopting for the childs sake. BUT i would be lying to myself and everyone else if i didnt say that i believe some of them do adopt to fill that hole in them, left empty by their infertility. Which, in a sense, in understandable.

These are people who are hurting, and want to be parents badly. Especially the womem. I think women feel their inability to conceive deeper then men do, mainly because they are the ones who carry the child. In no way am i justifying some of the lengths couples have gone to to adopt children. I am trying to understand.

Not all people who are infertile and wanting to adopt are monsters. They are humans like you and i. there are bad apples in every bunch. But also good.
I believe that most couples who suffer from infertility want to adopt because they want to parent and have a family. There is nothing wrong with that desire - they would not be chastised for it if they could have a child biologically, so they should not be chastised for those feelings simply because they cannot conceive.
Can't speak for most, but can speak for the ones I know: Yes. Only a truly depraved soul (and I admit there must be more than a few out there) would attempt to adopt a child who does not truly need to be separated from his/her birth parents.

Ideally, an adoption places a child who needs a home into a loving environment. Often, the ones most willing to provide that environment are infertile couples.
No. I am not adopting in an effort to save a child from something. That's because I don't believe the child would have suffered had it stayed with his/her mother. He or she may not have lived in as big a house, or gone to a private school, or whatever other superficial things it'll have by living with me and my husband. However, we're not ';rescuing' him/her from anything. To imply otherwise is disrespectful to first mothers.
No. I believe they are adopting because they WANT a child. Adopting to help a child would not requrire investing thousands of dollars in a corrupt industry run on the supply and demand of infants.

Adoption should be about what the child wants and needs, not about what adults want.
No, they're adopting because they want to be parents.

Which isn't necessarily a terrible reason just in itself, since adopting while NOT wanting to be a parent would be a bad situation for the child-- it's just that too many times, that desire blinds them to ethics or the possibility of coercion.

All children deserve to be loved and wanted. But unless it's absolutely necessary for their safety and well-being, they shouldn't be taken from one loving family that wants them and given to a different family, regardless of how great the second family may be.
i depends some do it for both the babies and their desires-but though its hard to tell which ones are doing for the babies or their desires-i say this cause some can desire a baby so bad that you miss how much they really want to provide for a child and take a child from a potentially bad situation
i dont understand what kind of crazy anyone would be to want a baby for any reason then to give a child parents. this accusation that people are so selfish as to put themselves through 18+years and a lifetime relationship just so they can change poopy diapers for a few years seems to get blown way out of proportion.

i think Some People see an adoptee as a baby all the their lives.

just most APs i know see the child grow up. parents always have a different perception then our kids do or those who are not the parents all day for our kids. most of us get past the infant part of it pretty quickly
I think it is both for the baby's sake - they want to be good parents. And their own sake - they want a baby. Somehow if you get pregnant you can be selfish and only want a baby, but if you adopt you're not supposed to admit you want a baby. It doesn't make sense to me.
No, these days they are doing it for themselves. So sad that adoptive parents are put in a box by the adoption industry where they have to look like they are rescuing a baby from their natural families when they just want to be parents. Like everyone. Just for the pleasure of being a parent.
No. If they were fertile, they would not be adopting.

Adoption is rarely an act of charity. As another poster pointed out, too much money is spent on adopting... for it to be an act of charity designed to benefit the baby.
I can have children and I am adopting a 14 year old girl. Why you ask';? because she is in the system and needs a mom. I know if at least 4 other families who have both adopted and bio kids. Believe it or not there are some people out there who have hearts and adopt to help.
Nope. People choose to become parents because it's primal and it's about them. However, choosing to be a good parent is about their child and what's best for their emotional health.

FYI - People do not conceive babies for the babies sake either.
I doubt it, it would seem they are filling their own need to parent a child. The urge to parent drives some to IVF, others to adoption. No doubt they believe they are adopting and ';rescuing'; a child, its more convenient for society to perpetuate this myth
No, I don't. Planned parenthood starts with the desire to be a parent.

Once we become parents we nuture, guide, support, encourage, and love the baby for the baby's sake.
Since there are 90 couples waiting for every healthy baby, I would say no.

I've never heard of a pregnant mother who has to do advertising and marketing to rid herself of her baby.
No sadly - it's all about their desperate need for a baby.

If they were adopting for the child's sake - they would adopt from foster care - as their are thousands waiting for a loving home.

* sad *
It depends on the parents. When they use it as a last resort they are only thinking of themselves. If they were thinking about the child they would have planned to adopt before finding out they were infertile.
They're adopting because they want a child. Same reason many fertile women get pregnant.. including my mom, AKA the best and most selfless mother who ever raised a child.
Of course not. They're adopting because they want a child. BTW, most adoptions in this country are of foreign-born children because American women rarely put up their babies for adoption.
No I don't. If they were, there would be no need for the agressive marketing, advertising and waiting lists.
Of course not. What an obnoxious burden to put on a kid. We adopted you for your sake.Blech.
Not remotely.
No, they are adopting a child for they're dreams to come true.

1 comment:

lucia said...

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