I am wondering what the average family size is these days?How many children are couples having these days?
I think the average is 2 or 3 kids. Not as many people these days have very large families - but hats off to those who do! If I was financially able to support a very large family I would love to have lots of kids, but unfortunately I would not be able too. 2 suits me fine!How many children are couples having these days?
every one is different some people like small families others don't like children at all
We are a blended family, my three and his 1.
Most people I know have 3 kids.
1 is OK,
2 is fine,
3 is good
4 is better
5 is the best.
6 out of control
well we are a family of 6 ...hubby, me, 3 boys 12 11 %26amp;9 and a girl 6
In canada I think 2 is the average...
Man, Wife, 1 Kid, 1 Dog
2.4 is the official statistic in the UK.
three-six, in my experience.
i have 5 children, don't know about any one else, my childrens friends have between 1-4
i think in china 1/india 2/west asia 4-5/europe 0-1/usa 3
where i live it's about 3,,,,,,,,,,,but i want to have like 10';smiling face';
We have two for a few reasons; one I can't have any more and two b/c affordibilty allows us the two we have.
It only takes one good one to take care of you when you are older, so if they are smart....1. I had one and learned the first time, no more for me. Don't get me wrong, I love kids, as long as I can send them home. LOL
My mom had 4 I think that 3 is enough
My husband and I have 1 now, but are planning on at least three and possibly four kids. So our family size will eventually be 5 or six people total.
I think the average is 2.5 but lately larger families are becoming the norm. In my home we want to have 4 kids. I think the average is just a number. Families aren't built on numbers. You just come to the point when it feels complete. If it's 2 great if it's 10 that's fine too. As long as you can provide a healthy happy safe home to the children then great!
2 or 3 kids in an average. Although there are some countries that limit it to just one child like china I think. So it really depends on the location and culture of the family.
Just depends I personally have 5, my brother and his wife have 6 but I know people who have anywhere from 1 to 12.
I think its just a very personal issue and depends on lots of different things. money, housing etc
The .4 rarely lives past infancy.
Zero for me...I thought the national average was 2.7 or something like that.
Depends where you live I guess. Here in Oz (Australia) average is 2.5 kids per family. So I guess you could say that's 2 kids and 1 dog. That's definitely common here.
I would guess that most families are having 2 or 3 children.
2 seems to be the number that businesses seem to recognize the most. Most family offerings are for a family of four.
Hmm I'm not too sure, But my best friend just had her second child and she is stopping there and my sister just had her second child and I think she is stopping at 2 as well.......
Family sizes are not as big as they were back in the day. I think on an average people are having 2 children.
my friends are having one or two. Two is very common. I don't know a lot of big families because it has become unaffordable.
I think it is a sad situation for ppl like myself who would like many children but in this day and age you have to be rich to afford a lifestyle the kids deserve and not deprive.
well I have 3 + 1 step daughter ( but that's a little more than most of my boys' friends families)
I have 2 sisters, a mom and dad.
I am currently married, and only have 1 child for the time being. and we're ttc in April or May. and if that one is a girl also, then we will ttc 1 more time for a boy...but no more than 3 kids MAX!!! haha
Now...my grandma...she had 12 kids. 21 grandkids, and 11 great grandkids.
one or two. back in the day (like my grandparents' day) it was cool to have like 9 kids. now, it's just tacky to tote around 2 teenagers, 3 preteens, 5 toddlers, and a newborn. now usually ppl stop at one or two. (ahem, except for my aunt and uncle, who are ';accidentally'; having a third... but that's another story... lol
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