Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why is it harder for some couples to concieve than others?

It took me and my husband almost 2 years to concieve our first and we have been trying for 4-5 months for number 2 and still no luck. Yet my cousin is trying for her third and they get pregnant on the first tryWhy is it harder for some couples to concieve than others?
I know what you mean. Me and my husband have been trying for 3 years with no success. We are still working on it I am on Metformin and Clomid now for PCOS so Im keeping my fingers crossed. It does suck though when your trying so hard and it doesn't seem like its never going to happen and everybody else around you is just popping them out left and right. I get discouraged at times too but what can you do? Just hang in there something has to give eventually right? You got pregnant once Im sure it will happen Again.

I just long to have a baby. I want to be pregnant so bad but its just not my time yet. I truly believe that good things happen to good people and if your patient you will get your turn. Good luck to you hope that you get your BFP soon!Why is it harder for some couples to concieve than others?
No one knows the answer to that question..It's just the way it is.

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