What do most couples do in their free time at home togeather other than sex?
i am living with my fiance, we have a very active socia llife and are always going out to have fun. its great. but their are days when we are chilling around the house and i feel weird just hanging out, what do most couples do in their putzing around the house time.????? please dont say housework i hate housework i do that whe he is at workWhat do most couples do in their free time at home togeather other than sex?
we talk ,,, play with our daughter...
play board games
plan our future
watch tv
cook together
plant a garden
build an aviary
paint a new color on the wall
make outWhat do most couples do in their free time at home togeather other than sex?
not sure about majority but my hubby and I like to flip open a cook book and make something new and interesting. we also play board games, watch movies or work on home improvement projects. We also work on hobby projects like sewing and woodworking
talk, watch a movie, play a video/board game, cook, play sport, walk the dog, dance, listen to music
We watch TV and discuss the next day's events
I like your enthusiasm and can only say you don't have to be together all the time. He can chill at his friends' house for an afternoon of guy talk while you do whatever you feel like without having him around constantly.
There are many activities that couples can do other than household chores and sex, viz: discuss common topics like parenting, raising children, budgeting, likes and dislikes, family trees, etc. Talk about what he/she did in the office/workplace, share your lights and shadows from birth to present (That's a long story to tell). They could cultivate also a common sports like playing chess, table tennis, dart or watch films, sing together in videoke and read books and newspapers. There are a lot of things that a couple could do and enjoy together to enrich and strengthen their bonding at home.
well maybe if you like to read, you can read a book while he watches one of the games, or a tv show.....vice versa.....do something where you guys can both have alone time but together....
= ]
Other than everything already mentioned .... we do a lot of separate things together. Like ... the couch, the TV, and the computers are all in the same room. One will websurf while the other plays a game or watches TV or reads or naps with the cats or whatever combination happens to work out that day. He and I enjoy different video games, so sometimes he'll sit next to me using his laptop to play Dwarf Fortress while I sit at my desktop and play World of Warcraft. We talk to each other about what we're doing - share an interesting paragraph from a book or magazine, or a neat website, or something crazy on TV .... we're knitted together, but have plenty of room to stretch out and relax. :)
movies, cooking, just watching television, we used to feed the cats, together, we put legs up and talk, about dreams and future and past. and of course the special moments in private room too, o how we would walk towards the room with gooey eyes, hand in hand with lots of kisses, then how i would open the door, as we walk in we would toss the coin as the door closes behind us, well after years behind the room, which we couldn't stop going in, After all these years she finally reached professional board game player,
uh....................what is sex? am i missing out on something?
Watch tv together, talk, look at photos of trips, listen to music, cook together
When my husband and I first moved in together when we were still dating I felt the same way. We used to rent LOTS OF MOVIES. I also learned to play a lot of 2 person playstation games. We also did alot of cooking together. Whatever it is you deceide to do just try to do it together, but don't to much together because, you tend to start annoying each other if your ALWAYS in each other
Rent some movies, play some board games.
I watch tv while he snuggles up and massages my toes. Domestic bliss.
That's not possible.
well, life is boring isnt it?
Well, except going out and making dinners, usually its just what you would do that your partner would do...so going on websites watching tv and doing nothing wasting time...
most couples i know watch dvds together when they're home. either that, or they read together.
Watch movies, cook, do some house chores, check email, foreplay and it all eventually leads back to sexing.
Watch a film. Give her a massage. Drink wine. Go tend the garden together. Go down to the gun range together. Study French together. Plan a vacation. Cook. Play video games.
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